Tuesday, April 28, 2009

LIS Group Project


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  2. I played a few roles in this project. First, I was an "actor." I enjoyed this because every member of my group was very creative and I feel like we had a lot of opportunity to work together and have fun. It was very refreshing to work with so many outgoing people who didn't take themselves seriously, and it made the project really fun to do and watch. As an "actor" we each came up with our own lines, though nothing was really scripted. We got to do a lot of improvization. Also, this was an opportunity to demonstrate everything we had learned over the semester. After each of our skits, we recorded information on the statistics and facts that we obtained from our readings in class. This once again was an opportunity to review everything we had learned and focussed on during the semester.

    My other role was to help edit the video. We ran into a LOT of difficulties. First, we tried to do the editing on a Mac, which proved to be much more difficult than it needed to be. Then we tried it on a windows computer. None of us really had experience with this so we were learning as we were going (I guess we were on the receiving end of knowing what it feels like to be inadequately trained in this aspect of technology). After editing it, the computer no longer recognized the video clips, so we made another trip to college library to fix it. After everything was fixed, I had a lot of trouble exporting the file to WIndows Media Player, but after doing some research, I figured it out. Then, when trying to publish it to youtube, I realized this was copyright infringement since we used a song on our clip. After doing some research, and after a lot of waiting, I finally got the blog to post the video. This was probably the greatest technological learning experience. Nevertheless, I'm glad I don't have to struggle with a computer again for a while and now understand more about the struggles of being a part of the digital divide.

  3. I can completely agree with the first paragraph of Seugnet's comment. It was a lot of fun to brainstorm as a group and incorporate different props and character attitudes into our skits. We worked very well together and we could built off of each other's ideas as a team. The goal of our video was to demonstrate different aspects of what factors affect the use of technology. We each had different roles to play and maybe realized how these factors- such as age or education attainment- actually affect someone's day to day experiences with technology.
    I wasn't able to be a part of the editing process, but I wish I could have because gaining experience with a new technological process, especially in a team, is an important way to cross the digital divide.

  4. This was a fun project that provided a nice recap to what we've learned this semester. We reviewed some of the material when initially brainstorming ideas of what we should record. It was nice to act these skits without scripts and instead just get into character; it helped me to think of how someone who suffers from the adverse effects of the Digital Divide might feel (annoyed with the whole internet thing... and old)

    I participated in this project by acting as the "Grandpa" to demonstrate how older people may not be technologically savvy. I also helped with some recording, and brainstorming. Although I couldn't stay for the full editing process, it was apparent how even downloading our clips off the camera isn't intuitive without previous experience.

  5. I had a fun time making this video discussing the digital divide. I thought the film project was a great way to explain concepts that the class had previously learned while working with other members of the class. Not only did we have to have knowlege on the topic we are presenting but we had to use commication skills to organize many aspects of the video. I thought that this project was also a great idea because our group experienced our own barriers to technology. None of us had much prior experience in editing videos but we were able to overcome this problem because of the general knowledge of computer programs we had acquired over the years.

    I participated in this project by acting as the male to show the differences in access between men and woman. My character shed light on the fact that men tend to have more access to technology because their jobs demand that they know how to use computers and other forms of technology. I also praticipated in brainstorming ideas for the different skits as well as the editing process.

  6. Good job covering the different aspects of the digital divide.

  7. In our group, I filmed some of the scenes/skits, helped determine what we were going to say/act, and I also acted the scene relating income/career to technological know-how. In that scene, I played the richer, upper class individual who is very tech-savvy and, as he stated, uses such technology for his job quite frequently. Such frequent use improves technological abilities, and allows for him to be better off as opposed to the poor/homeless individual who has no technological know-how. Also, I helped with editing the video.

  8. I found this project very helpful in relating to individuals that struggle with technology everyday, whether it has to do with class, race, gender, education, age, etc. It was entertaining to work with such a vibrant group of people as we tried to demonstrate the factors of the digital divide.

    I acted out roles of a woman and the younger generation. Considering gender is the least influential aspect of the digital divide, it was hard to think of ways to act out this role. We ended up acting out the typical housewife vs breadwinner, which was an extreme case, to demonstrate the use of technology between men and women. I also played the role of a young granddaughter helping out her grandfather as he tried to set up email. This scene was fun to act out because it made me think of my own grandparents, who have no idea how to use the internet and why it is even useful.

    I helped with editing the video, which caused some problems. I brought my MacBook and it wasn't loading correctly when we put the USB cord into my computer. We then had to switch to a PC, which worked until we unplugged the data. It was frustrating when the video was completely gone because we thought we would have to re-film the whole thing, luckily, the library held the camera for us and we had to reload the video and do minor adjustments. I had never worked with editing videos, so this taught me a little more about technology.

    Overall, this was a great group project and all of us learned a little something about technology in one way or the other.
